About Me — The Brown Gothamite

Featured in the Today Show's Kids and Parents Talk About How Bullying Hurts


Christopher Persley is an at-home father living in New York City with his wife and 6-year-old daughter. He is a writer, fatherhood advocate, diversity consultant,  and educator.  Christopher is also Co-Organizer of NYC Dads Group, which is a diverse community of more than 1,300 fathers in and around the New York City area that gives dads an opportunity to socialize and support each other. Christopher writes the blog, The Brown Gothamite, and has contributed to CityDadsGroup.com, NYCDadsGroup.com, WhatToExpect.com, TheGoodMenProject.com, and AcrossTheMargin.comHe has appeared on Good Morning America, The Today ShowMSNBC, Mic.com's Flip The ScriptThe Root Live,  CBS News local and national, NY1, Life of Dad After ShowModern Dads Podcast, Father Nation, and The Broad ExperienceIn addition, he has been profiled in Real Simple Magazine and Family Circle been a Spotlight Blogger at the 2015 Dad 2.0 Summitcontributed to the book, Dads Behaving Dadly 2and interviewed by the NY Daily News.  You can follow him on Twitter at @browngothamite.  

Christopher worked nearly two decades as an educator and school administrator, earning a masters degree in Private School Leadership through the Klingenstein Center at Teachers College, Columbia University.  He remains connected to education as an adjunct professor, and is available for diversity consultations, parent diversity workshops, and webinars.  Contact Christopher. 

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