Articles, Clips, and Press — The Brown Gothamite

Featured in the Today Show's Kids and Parents Talk About How Bullying Hurts

Interviewed by Anne Hathaway for a United Nations paid parental leave project.

Interviewed about fatherhood on Good Morning America and  The Root Live.

My daughter and I did a video for The Scene on dads affirming daughters.

I was also interviewed about The Scene video.

I was featured in Dove Men+Care's 2017 Father's Day campaign.

I appeared on The Today Show to discuss love and relationships.

Discussing childcare on MSNBC's Melissa Harris Perry .

My daughter and I are a part of's Flip The Script series.

An at-home-father feature in the November 2014 issue of Real Simple Magazine.

My daughter and I interviewed Christy Turlington Burns.

The New York Liberty created an ad featuring my daughter and me.

I contributed to Verizon's Letters from Dad project.

Profiled for a Fox5 NY segment on dad bloggers article about a video my daughter and I created about Hidden Figures.

CBS NY Segment on Dad Bods.

Talking about dad stereotypes on HLN.

I was profiled for Pavement Pieces

An interview of Michael Strahan I did for City Dads Group.

My interview with WNBA legend Swin Cash.

My contribution to Dove Men+Care's "My Dad My Hero" project.

Stand Magazine profiled me as a "man making a difference".

Statement on my being appointed to the National At-Home Dad Network board.

Segment about at-home-fathers on CBS News.

DAD 2.0 Esquire Lounge Interview by Jason Kravits.

I was interviewed by NY1 about Why Fathers Matter Conference.

Life of Dad After Show Podcast appearance.

The NY Daily News interviewed me about girls' halloween costumes.

Interviewed for podcasts The Broad Experience and Father Nation.

Cafe Mom's The Stir shared one of my favorite pieces.

I was interviewed by FlexJobs for their blog. also shared one of my pieces.

My work on the City Dads Group website.

Love and Loss Through a Stuffed Animal

How My Absentee Father Has Influenced My Parenting

How My Daughter Inspires Me

Review of Daddy Doin' Work Parent of the Week profile.

Dads in the Limelight on

My daughter and I interviewed The Wiggles.

My post on The Good Men Project.

Review of the film Selma on Across the Margin.

Worked with Cool Mom Picks on this Father's Day project.

Modern Dads Podcast featuring Matt Schneider and Lance Somerfeld of City Dads Group for an interview with Doyin Richards of Daddy Doin' Work. 

Modern Dads Podcast with Lorne Jaffe and I discussing the show blackish and interviewing show star Anthony Anderson.

Dr. Robert Zeitlin included me in an article for The Good Men Project about the 2015 Dad 2.0 Summit.

My daughter and I were featured on the TimeOut NYC Kids website.

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