My Daughter and I are in's Flip the Script recently premiered a new video series called Flip the Script, which examines inequalities through the lens of extraordinary individuals. The series also happens to include my daughter and me. The show features Elizabeth Plank, who has done some fantastic work over the last few years and often appears on MSNBC's Krystal Clear. The series is also produced by Regina Dellea, Billy Disney, and Sam Thonis.

Our episode focuses on at home fathers in a tongue in cheek and touching way. Seriously, I was there when this was filmed and I was balling at the end. This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever been a part of in my 40+ years of existence. Thanks to the folks at for inviting Camilla and me to be featured in this amazingly relevant project. Please check it out below.

Read Ad Age's article about the series here

Finally, here is a preview of the series.